La Jolla Cove Swim Club members
and their friends are invited to the
New Year’s Polar Bear Potluck
Wednesday January 1st, 2020
Swim at 10 AM
Kellogg Park at La Jolla Shores
This is not an organized swim event.
If you aren’t used to the cold water (~56 degrees) keep your swim short and safe.
Know your limits!
Always swim in an area monitored by lifeguards
A group photo will be taken around 10 AM and then we will swim
Wear a wetsuit, fins, tuxedo, or anything else you want.
Warm up after your swim with hot beverages and food.
Bring a pot of Chili, Hot soup, a favorite HOT dish, or a dessert, for the Post Swim Potluck Feast.
Starbucks coffee will be provided.
Club MERCHANDISE will be on sale, including Swim caps, ball caps, fleece caps, CALENDARS, license plate frames, t-shirts, fleece jackets, backpacks, etc. Shop early, as we may run out of some items, especially calendars.
Double Big Chill Miles all day